Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1


Artikel Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 pada sekolah dasar SD/MI semester 1/2, ditahun 2020-2021, lengkap juga soal PG dan Essay, kunci jawaban, pelajaran Bahasa Inggris .

Bahasa Inggris ,,, Adalah salah satu mata pelajaran yang mempelajari bahasa yang sering di dengar di dunia maya, dengan menggunakan bahasa asing sehingga untuk memahami nya dapat menggunakan aplikasih translate, dan hal ini juga sering terdapat di sekolah dasar kelas 1, 2, 3 hingga 6, dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kami dari akan memberikan contoh bahasa inggris kelas 1, 2, hingga kelas 6 sekolah dasar dan MI).

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Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD/MI Semester 1 & 2 PG dan Essay


Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda:

I. Kerjakanlah soal di bawah ini!

Baca Juga: Soal IPS Kelas 8

1. The spelling m – o – t – h – e – r is.

a. Em – ti – eij – er
b. Em – te – ha – er
c. Em – te – ha – er

Answer: a

2. S-n-d-y-a-u is the right word.

a. Yellow
b. Sunday
c. monkey

Answer: b

3. I have a green apple. The English sentence is.

a. I have a green apple
b. I have a white apple
c. I have a green apple

Answer: c

4. White in Indonesian is.

a. White
b. orange
c. red

Answer: a

5. We run with.

a. legs
b. mouth
c. tongue

Answer: a

6. We have two eyes The English sentence is.

a. We have two hands
b. We have two eyes
c. We have two ears

Answer: b

7. The chief in Indonesia is.

a. stomach
b. head
c. cheek

Answer: b

8. We have two eyes Indonesian.

a. We have two legs
b. We have two eyes
c. We have two ears

Answer: b

9. This is my mother Indonesian is.

a. This is my sister
b. This is my brother
c. This is my mother

Answer: c

10. My father is a doctor
Indonesian is.

a. My mother is a teacher
b. My father is a doctor
c. My brother is a teacher

Answer: b

11. Granny in English is.

a. Sister
b. grandmother
c. grandfather

Answer: b

12. Aunt in Indonesian.

a. Uncle
b. father
c. aunt

Answer: c

13. This is the kitchenThe English sentence is.

a. This is the bathroom
b. This is the living room
c. This is the kitchen

Answer: c

14. The living room in Indonesia is.

a. Bathroom
b. research
c. family room

Answer: c

15. Feet in Indonesia is.

a. Chief
b. cheek
c. the feet

Answer: c

16. What is Bryan like.

a. Tomato
b. orange
c. spinach

Answer: c

17. Bryan often eats spinach.

a. Every day
b. in the afternoon
c. early in the morning

Answer: b

18. What color is spinach.

a. Red
b. white
c. green

Answer: c

19. The taste of spinach is.

a. Salty
b. sweetness
c. delicious

Answer: c

20. Vegetables in Indonesian.
A. Reis
b. fruits
c. vegetables

Answer: c

Baca Juga: Soal IPS Kelas 10

Contoh Soal Essay:

1. Enter the correct word
Hands (A – H – D – N) = ……………

2. How many legs do you have? (Two)

3. Numbers after ten = ..

4. The day after Monday is …

5. ………… I am clean (bedroom).

Demikian yang penuklis sampaikan contoh Soal Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 1 SD/MI Tahun, 2020-2021 Semester 1 dan 2 . Semoga apa yang sudah kami bahas dapat bermanfaat, Sekian dan terima kasih.

Baca Juga: Soal IPS Kelas 11